Indie and Associate Election Results 2019

National SSAGO

Wednesday 17th of July 2019

Following the elections of the new Indie and Associate representatives, we are excited to announce the election of Rebecca Elliott as the new Indie rep and Oli Cubbit as the new Associate rep.

A big thank you to everyone who nominated and ran in these elections and to everyone who took part and voted and made their voice heard.

The SSAGO Exec would like to congratulate them both and wish them the best for the next year. We look forward to the exciting energy and enthusiasm and ideas they bring to these roles and to working with and supporting them and their Indie and Associate members.

The full results breakdown was as follows:

Indie Representative:

Rebecca Elliott: 11
Thomas Hold (withdrew): 3
Total Votes: 14

Associate Representative:

Oliver Cubitt: 10
Frances Milroy: 4
Re-open Nominations: 2
Total votes: 16

Both of the candidates have taken the time to introduce themselves and we hope you will welcome to their role.

Rebecca Elliott

Indie Representative

Hello! My name is Rebecca Elliott and I'm pleased to be your new Indie Rep.

I've previously been a member of Bath BUGS and Oxford, but now find myself an Indie member and am excited to represent you all.

I've had a very active time in SSAGO, being Secretary and Chair of BUGS, as well as Chairing Bath Maksed Ball.

In the next year I'm hoping to coordinate Indie members across the country to help increase involvement within SSAGO, and organise some Indie events.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all at the next national event, but if you do have any questions or want to get in touch, please feel free to email me at or find me on Facebook (Rebecca Louise). SSAGO Love! x

Read Rebecca's Manifesto


Oli Cubbit

Associates Representative

Well, It looks like I'm staying for another year!

Hello associates, just a quick message to introduce myself as your new associates rep. For those who don't know me, I am an associate member of CUSAGC and have been part of SSAGO since 2014. I held various committee roles in CUSAGC and was also part of the organising committee for Duck Rally in 2018.

I currently live and work in Cumbria but will be sorting out leave to hopefully make it to national events over the next year!

As I said in my manifesto, I hope to improve the links between associates and national event hosts by creating a database of associate members and their skills/interests to help those running national events find potential staff members and supporters. Another small idea I have had is creating an associates badge and/or stash and I would be interested to hear people's views on this/ if anyone with more creative minds than me would like to help design this.

As well as these I will represent you at reps meetings to ensure the views of associates are heard. Should anyone have anything they want mentioned at these meetings please do let me know.

I look forward to catching up with you all over the year,

If you want to get in contact with me, my email address is


Read Oli's Manifesto