SSAGO Election Nominations Open!

Catherine Nichol (National SSAGO)

Saturday 6th of February 2016

The SSAGO AGM will be held on the 14th February 2016, 10am, at Woodhouse Park. At the AGM the elections for the 2016/17 SSAGO Exec will be held as well as bidding for next years National Events. If you want to nominate yourself for one of the roles or bid to host an event head over to: to find out more.

Are you passionate about SSAGO, want to get more involved with SSAGO nationally or think you would be good at running SSAGO? Then maybe running for the National Executive is for you! The executive committee is a group of 5 SSAGO members that help to aid the smooth running of SSAGO. If you are interested in running for one of the roles, and want to find out more about, firstly have a look at the role description policy document found in the 'Resources' section of the website, the positions list on or you could email the current exec to ask what their role involves. The roles available are:


1) Chair

2) Secretary

3) Treasurer

4) Membership Officer

5) Publicity Officer


If you decide you want to run, what you need to do is head over to: and fill out the form, saying what role you are running for, your manifesto, a picture of yourself, who is nominating you and who is seconding you (these people need to be members of SSAGO, both from different clubs and not the club you are in). Once you have submitted your manifesto, you will be able to make changes later.


This information will be published from the 6th February for all members to see online, although it will update so you can still submit your application after this. Of course, the earlier you submit, the more time everyone has to read your manifesto! You can also bring a printed version of your manifesto to Rally, where they will be displayed. Each candidate will be allowed to speak for 2 minutes at the AGM, and then all candidates will get to answer questions asked by the members present at the meeting.  

If you don’t fancy running for the Exec but still want to be involved, then you could consider running for one of the executive assistant roles:


1) Notification Officer

3) Merchandise Officer

4) Indie Rep (need to an Indie member)

5) Associate Rep (need to be an Associate member)


If you want to run for one of these positions, just send me a quick email to inform me of this ( More information on the executive assistant positions can be found in Factsheet 10 at You can also bring a printed manifesto to Rally, and you will be given under a minute to speak at the AGM, about why you want to fill the position. 

If none of that is for you, perhaps you and the rest of your club or you and a group of your SSAGO friends, want to bid to host a National Event. If your club wins the bid, they will be responsible for hosting the event on behalf of the National Exec, principally by an event committee that you would need to appoint. More information about bidding for an event can be found in the Factsheets on the 'Resources' section of the website. If your club wants to bid to host an event, one representative of the group needs to head to: and follow the instructions on there. The events you can bid for are:

1) Spring Rally 2017

2) SSAGO Ball 2017 

3) Summer Rally 2017

4) Autumn Rally 2017

Nominations for all categories will be open until 23:59 on Saturday 13th February, but you will need to have filled in the online form (if you want people to vote who will not be attending AGM). I would encourage you to seriously consider running for one of the roles, it is a really great way to enjoy SSAGO, be involved in organising SSAGO and get to know more people in SSAGO. More information about all elections can be found in the ‘Resources’ section on the SSAGO website at

All members of SSAGO, whether attending the AGM or not, have a right to vote in these elections. Therefore, we will be facilitating the ‘postal vote system’ using the online system. If you want to register for a ‘postal vote’ please follow the link to register. You can only apply for this if you are not attending the AGM. Registration will be open until 23:59 on Wednesday 10th February. Online voting will be open from Midnight on Sunday 14th February and will remain open until 09:45. These votes will be combined with the votes made at the AGM.


If you want to know anymore about the AGM or elections feel free to contact me. If you have any problems with the online elections process, please contact Oli at


Finally, good luck if you choose to run and see you at Rally.

Cat Nichol (SSAGO Chair)